RECOMMENDATION: If you are using a version of The Portal Connector higher than 4.0, we strongly recommend utilizing the MVC based widgets and components to create your site. This documentation is for legacy purposes only and will soon be deprecated.
The Ecom Product List will display a list of products fetched from CRM. This widget extends the already existing Sitefinity Product List widget (More information can be found here.) with additional functionality such as fetching the products based on a FetchXML query.


Basic Setup

  1. Click and drag the Ecom Product List widget from The Portal Connector (Ecommerce) widget list into the body of your page and click on edit to display the properties prompt. It should look like this:

    CRM Product List Properties

  2. The first three tabs pictured above already exist in the original Sitefinity Product List widget. (More information can be found here.) The data tab by default is set to fetch all products, and can be changed to filter for specific products or anything else that you might like. 

  3. Next, click on the filters' tab, which will allow you to make a variety of filters for your fetch to use. It should look like this:

    CRM Product List Filters

  4. Once you have finished configuring the widget, click save to finalize your changes.

Widget Properties

Basic Properties

Fetch XML

The FetchXML text area determines what sort of data a widget will be populated with. 

Clicking the Load Default Fetch option will populate the FetchXML area with a default fetch based on the CRM Entity chosen. By clicking the Build button, we will be sent to another page in order to determine what the widget will look up. For more information on how to use the FetchXML function.

Advanced Properties

Advanced properties provide additional functionality. They can be accessed by clicking on the "Advanced" Button in the bottom right corner of the widget designer.

Fetch XML

The FetchXML text area determines what sort of data a widget will be populated with. 

Clicking the Load Default Fetch option will populate the FetchXML area with a default fetch based on the CRM Entity chosen. By clicking the Build button, we will be sent to another page in order to determine what the widget will look up. For more information on how to use the FetchXML function.