RECOMMENDATION: If you are using a version of The Portal Connector higher than 4.0, we strongly recommend utilizing the MVC based widgets and components to create your site. This documentation is for legacy purposes only and will soon be deprecated.
Widget Type:
Page Widgets
TPC Version:
  • 3.3 +
The CRM Data View widget is used for displaying a grid of read-only data. It can be configured to use FetchXML or a saved query.


Basic Setup

  1. From the Portal Connector widget list, click and drag the CRM Data View widget into the body of your page.

  2. In order for the widget to function properly, a variety of options must be configured. Click on the edit button to display the prompt. It should look like this: 

    Data View Basic Settings


When you are finished configuring the Basic settings of the widget, click on the Data tab. It should look like this: 

Data View Data Settings


When you are finished configuring the Data settings, click on the Filters tab. It should look like this: 

Data View Filters Settings 

The Filters option allows you to filter the data that is retrieved for the data view.
When you are finished configuring the widget, click on the save button to save it.

Widget Properties

Basic Properties


The UseUnencryptedGuids advanced property will decrypt any query string values that are passed through the URL. If a widget has been set to pass a query-string to another widget, the Use Unencrypted Guids properties must match each other or the widgets will be unable to communicate with each other.

Query Type

The Query Type radio buttons will allow you to determine how the widget will retrieve its data. The FetchXML option will use FetchXML while the Saved Query option will give you a text box to enter a SQL View for the widget to retrieve its data with. Please note that there must be a system level view available for this option to be used and the Saved Query option will not apply any filters.


The FetchXML text area determines what sort of data a widget will be populated with. Clicking the Load Default Fetch option will populate the FetchXML area with a default fetch based on the CRM Entity chosen.  By clicking the Build button, we will be sent to another page in order to determine what the widget will look up. For more information on how to use the FetchXML function, please see the FetchXML Builder How-To.

Paging Required

The Paging Required checkbox will allow you to choose if the data that will be fetched will be paged. When this option is selected, you will be prompted to enter an amount of retrieved items per page. The minimum value is one while the maximum value is one-hundred.

Select a Template

The Select a Template drop down list will allow you to select a template for your product to use with the option of creating a new template. If a template is selected, you will be given the additional option of editing the selected template.

Advanced Properties

Advanced properties provide additional functionality. They can be accessed by clicking on the "Advanced" Button in the bottom right corner of the widget designer.


The UseUnencryptedGuids advanced property will decrypt any query string values that are passed through the URL. If a widget has been set to pass a query-string to another widget, the Use Unencrypted Guids properties must match each other or the widgets will be unable to communicate with each other.

Query Type

The Query Type radio buttons will allow you to determine how the widget will retrieve its data. The FetchXML option will use FetchXML while the Saved Query option will give you a text box to enter a SQL View for the widget to retrieve its data with. Please note that there must be a system level view available for this option to be used and the Saved Query option will not apply any filters.


The FetchXML text area determines what sort of data a widget will be populated with. Clicking the Load Default Fetch option will populate the FetchXML area with a default fetch based on the CRM Entity chosen.  By clicking the Build button, we will be sent to another page in order to determine what the widget will look up. For more information on how to use the FetchXML function, please see the FetchXML Builder How-To.

Paging Required

The Paging Required checkbox will allow you to choose if the data that will be fetched will be paged. When this option is selected, you will be prompted to enter an amount of retrieved items per page. The minimum value is one while the maximum value is one-hundred.

Select a Template

The Select a Template drop down list will allow you to select a template for your product to use with the option of creating a new template. If a template is selected, you will be given the additional option of editing the selected template.