Advanced properties provide additional functionality. They can be accessed by clicking on the "Advanced" Button in the bottom right corner of the widget designer.
Aggregate Fetch - validator
The Aggregate Fetch checkbox will determine whether the fetch you are using to validate the form will be aggregated or not. When checked, you will be provided with a Aggregate Field Alias textbox which the validator will use to validate the fetched results with your form submission. For example, say an Account is only allowed to have five active cases at any given time. You could fetch the count of cases for a particular account and not allow anyone to make a new case record should the returned number of cases be greater than five.
Aggregate Field Alias - validator
The Aggregate Field Alias textbox will fetch an aggregated attribute by its alias in order to validate a form submission.
Message - validator
The Message textbox allows you to set a message for the CRM Validator to return in the event of a failed validation.
The Operator drop down list allows you to choose an operator from which to compare a value with. Applicable options include: Equal to, Less Than, Less Than or Equal To, Greater Than, and Greater Than or Equal to.
Number of Records - validator
The Number of Records numeral text box allows you to set a whole, positive number for CRM Validator widget to compare with its results.
Fetch XML
The FetchXML text area determines what sort of data a widget will be populated with.
Clicking the Load Default Fetch option will populate the FetchXML area with a default fetch based on the CRM Entity chosen. By clicking the Build button, we will be sent to another page in order to determine what the widget will look up. For more information on how to use the FetchXML function.
Validate On Edit - validator
The Validate on Edit advanced property will determine whether the CRM Validator will attempt to run its validation when the form is in edit mode. By default, this is set to true.
Validate on Load - validator
The Validate on Load advanced property will allow the CRM Validator to activate when the form is loading. If the form is in edit mode, this is when all of the values on the form have been populated. If the form is in add mode, you cannot filter by field values.
Show Message on Error - Validator
The Show Message on Error advanced property will allow you to control if the error message will be shown if the validation fails.