RECOMMENDATION: If you are using a version of The Portal Connector higher than 4.0, we strongly recommend utilizing the MVC based widgets and components to create your site. This documentation is for legacy purposes only and will soon be deprecated.
Widget Type:
Page Widgets
TPC Version:
  • 3.3 +
The CRM User Invite widget allows you to send an email invitation for your Portal Connector website to a contact via Microsoft Dynamics CRM. When the invite has been sent, a newly created Portal Invite record will be created. Once the contact has received the email invitation, they will be directed to a form on your website to enter additional information. A portal user will be set up for the contact when the form is submitted.


Basic Setup 

  1. From your Microsoft Dynamics CRM instance, open any contact record.

  2. In addition to managing the contacts' portal role, you will be able to invite them to any Portal Connector instance connected to your CRM.

    CRM User Invite Option

  3. Clicking on this option will display a prompt which will allow you to select the portal as well as the role that they will be given once they sign up.

    CRM User Invite Prompt

  4. Click save to send the invitation email. Next, you can check out the Portal Invitation record by accessing it from the contact record or from the CRM menu. Please note that the record will be considered inactive.

  5. Additionally, you can check out the email itself by examining the activities associated with the portal invitation record. Likewise, this activity record will be considered inactive.

    CRM User Invite Record and Email Activity

  6. Note that the email contains a link to a particular page. This page can be changed in the Portal record of this particular instance. Navigate to the Portal record in order to change this URL.

    CRM User Invite Page URL

  7. Finally, navigate to the page that you have set up for your new users to sign up for an account. Click and drag a CRM User Invite widget from The Portal Connector widget list and click on the edit button to display the properties prompt.

    CRM User Invite Properties Prompt

  8. Save the widget.

Widget Properties

Basic Properties

Select Existing User Page

The page to which user will be redirected if a user with same email address already exists in the portal. i.e. Username/Password recovery page.

Select Redirect Page

The page to which a user will be redirected to on successful user creation

Advanced Properties

Advanced properties provide additional functionality. They can be accessed by clicking on the "Advanced" Button in the bottom right corner of the widget designer.

Select Existing User Page

The page to which user will be redirected if a user with same email address already exists in the portal. i.e. Username/Password recovery page.

Select Redirect Page

The page to which a user will be redirected to on successful user creation