RECOMMENDATION: If you are using a version of The Portal Connector higher than 4.0, we strongly recommend utilizing the MVC based widgets and components to create your site. This documentation is for legacy purposes only and will soon be deprecated.
The CRM Sub-Grid View is a grid that has the ability to retrieve records with the options of adding new records, editing existing records, or deleting existing records.


  1. From the Portal Connector widget list, click and drag the CRM Sub-Grid View into the body of your form.

  2. In order for the widget to function properly, a variety of options must be configured. Click on the edit button to display the prompt. It should look like this: 

    CRM Sub Grid Basic Properties

    Please note that if you enable the Allow Adding Existing Records checkbox, a different tab will appear: The Existing Data tab. The Existing Data tab will enable you to connect records together. For example, a Contact may become affiliated with an already existing account. By editing the particular record, you can associate this Contact with the existing account without having to do any extra work. The Existing Data tab looks like this:

    CRM Sub Grid Existing Data Properties


  1. When you are finished configuring the Basic settings of the widget, click on the Data tab. The prompt should look like this: 

    Sub Grid View Data Properties


  1. When you are finished configuring the Data settings of the widget, click on the Fillters tab. It should look like this: 

    Sub Grid View Filters Properties 

    The Filters option allows you to filter the data that is retrieved for the grid.


  1. When are you are finished configuring the Filter settings of the widget, click on the Columns tab. It should look like this: 

    Sub Grid View Columns Properties 

    The Columns tab allows you to define what data fields will appear in the CRM Sub-Grid View widget. It works alongside FetchXML to define new columns for your widget.

  2. When you are finished configuring the widget, click the save button to save it.

Widget Properties

Basic Properties

CRM Relationship

The CRM Relationship dropdown list allows you to display the relationship between the entity defined in the CRM Form Configuration and the retrieved data. Relationships are formatted as [N:1], [1:N], [1:1], [N:N]. Many to one, one to many, one to one, and many to many respectively. For example, a CRM Sub-Grid View widget could display a list of orders for a particular customer. The relationship between these data fields would be [N:1]. A customer may have multiple orders, but an order cannot have multiple customers.


The FetchXML text area determines what sort of data a widget will be populated with. Clicking the Load Default Fetch option will populate the FetchXML area with a default fetch based on the CRM Entity chosen.  By clicking the Build button, we will be sent to another page in order to determine what the widget will look up. For more information on how to use the FetchXML function, please see the FetchXML Builder How-To.

Allow Adding Records

The Allow Adding Records checkbox allows users to add records to the CRM Entity that the widget is configured to use. When checked, you will be prompted to choose a page or a form from which the widget will use to add records.

Allow Editing Records

The Allow Editing Records checkbox allows users to edit existing records from the CRM Entity that the widget is configured to use. When checked, you will be prompted to choose a page or a form from which the record will be edited from.

Allow Deleting Records

The Allow Deleting Records checkbox allows users to delete existing records from the CRM Entity that the widget is configured to use.

Allow Exporting Records

The Allow Exporting Records checkbox allows you to export and download the entirety of a CRM Entity in spreadsheet (.xls) format. Please note that this spreadsheet will include all selected data fields as per the BuildXML even if they don't physically appear on the widget.

Edit Column Width

The Edit Column Width advanced property allows you to define a width for the edit column in pixels. The default value is 30px.

Delete Column Width

The Delete Column Width advanced property allows you to define a width for the delete column in pixels. The default value for this is 30px.

Automatic Fetch Filtering

The Automatic Fetch Filtering advanced property can be used to disable the automatic fetch filtering that the CRM Sub-Grid does for you in order to accomplish more advanced Sub-grid filtering.

Column Definition Default Width

The Column Definition Default Width advanced property will allow you to set the default width of a column in pixels to be used when there isn't a width defined. By default this is set to null. Please note that a value of zero (0) or null will represent automatically sized columns.

Add Existing Button Text

The Add Existing Button Text advanced property allows you to alter the button associated with adding an existing record. It appears beside the drop down list. By default, this is set to '+'.

Existing Lookup Display Multiple Columns

The Existing Lookup Display Multiple Columns advanced property will allow you to alter the Add Existing record lookup dropdown list. Instead of displaying the Display Field, the dropdown list will instead show all columns (Essentially a grid within a grid.) that were defined in the BuildXML, minus the ID data field. By default this is set to 'false'.

Existing Lookup Width

The Existing Lookup Width advanced property will allow you to set the width at which the dropdown list of an existing record lookup will adhere to. By default this is set to 400 pixels.

Window Minimum Width

The Window Minimum Width advanced property will allow you to set the minimum width at which a window will display. This means that you cannot adjust the window to be narrower than the minimum width.

Window Minimum Height

The Window Minimum Height advanced property will allow you to set the minimum height at which the window will display. This means that you cannot adjust the window to be shorter than the set minimum height.

Window Maximum Width

The Window Maximum Width advanced property will allow you to set the maximum height at which the window will display. This means that you cannot adjust the window to be wider than the set maximum width.

Window Maximum Height

The Window Maximum Height advanced property will allow you to set the height at which the window will display. This means that you cannot adjust the window to be taller than the set maximum height.

Window Title Visible

The Window Title Visible advanced property will determine if a pop-up window will have a visible title. By default this is set to 'true'.

Window Statusbar Visible

The Window Statusbar Visible advanced property wil allow you to choose if any pop-up windows will have a visible statusbar. By default, this is set to 'false'.

Window Auto Size

The Window Auto Size advanced property will automatically resize any pop-up windows based upon its content. By default, this is set to 'true'. Please note that this advanced property will override the set Window Height and Window Width values.


The WindowWidth advanced property allows you to define a default height for any pop-up windows to use. By default this is set to 1024 pixels. Please note that if the Window Auto Size advanced property is set to true, this property will not apply.


The WindowHeight advanced property allows you to define a default height for a pop-up window to adhere to. By default this is set to 640 pixels. Please note that if the Window Auto Size advanced property is set to true, this property will not apply.

Window Modal

The Window Modal advanced property allows you to choose if the main browser window will be disabled when another window is displayed. By default, this is set to 'true'.

Window Modal Centered

The Window Modal Centered advanced property will allow you to choose if any additional windows will be automatically centered when they appear. By default this is set to 'true'.


The UseUnencryptedGuids advanced property will decrypt any query string values that are passed through the URL. If a widget has been set to pass a query-string to another widget, the Use Unencrypted Guids properties must match each other or the widgets will be unable to communicate with each other.

Frozen Columns

The Frozen Columns advanced property accepts a column number disregarding the Edit and Delete columns and will not allow the affected columns to move when the user scrolls left or right. For example, we have four columns in a Grid View widget of sorts. If we were to set the Frozen Columns property to two (2), the second column to the fourth column will not be affected by scrolling while all others to the left (Just column one in the example) will be affected by scrolling.

Advanced Properties

Advanced properties provide additional functionality. They can be accessed by clicking on the "Advanced" Button in the bottom right corner of the widget designer.

CRM Relationship

The CRM Relationship dropdown list allows you to display the relationship between the entity defined in the CRM Form Configuration and the retrieved data. Relationships are formatted as [N:1], [1:N], [1:1], [N:N]. Many to one, one to many, one to one, and many to many respectively. For example, a CRM Sub-Grid View widget could display a list of orders for a particular customer. The relationship between these data fields would be [N:1]. A customer may have multiple orders, but an order cannot have multiple customers.


The FetchXML text area determines what sort of data a widget will be populated with. Clicking the Load Default Fetch option will populate the FetchXML area with a default fetch based on the CRM Entity chosen.  By clicking the Build button, we will be sent to another page in order to determine what the widget will look up. For more information on how to use the FetchXML function, please see the FetchXML Builder How-To.

Allow Adding Records

The Allow Adding Records checkbox allows users to add records to the CRM Entity that the widget is configured to use. When checked, you will be prompted to choose a page or a form from which the widget will use to add records.

Allow Editing Records

The Allow Editing Records checkbox allows users to edit existing records from the CRM Entity that the widget is configured to use. When checked, you will be prompted to choose a page or a form from which the record will be edited from.

Allow Deleting Records

The Allow Deleting Records checkbox allows users to delete existing records from the CRM Entity that the widget is configured to use.

Allow Exporting Records

The Allow Exporting Records checkbox allows you to export and download the entirety of a CRM Entity in spreadsheet (.xls) format. Please note that this spreadsheet will include all selected data fields as per the BuildXML even if they don't physically appear on the widget.

Edit Column Width

The Edit Column Width advanced property allows you to define a width for the edit column in pixels. The default value is 30px.

Delete Column Width

The Delete Column Width advanced property allows you to define a width for the delete column in pixels. The default value for this is 30px.

Automatic Fetch Filtering

The Automatic Fetch Filtering advanced property can be used to disable the automatic fetch filtering that the CRM Sub-Grid does for you in order to accomplish more advanced Sub-grid filtering.

Column Definition Default Width

The Column Definition Default Width advanced property will allow you to set the default width of a column in pixels to be used when there isn't a width defined. By default this is set to null. Please note that a value of zero (0) or null will represent automatically sized columns.

Add Existing Button Text

The Add Existing Button Text advanced property allows you to alter the button associated with adding an existing record. It appears beside the drop down list. By default, this is set to '+'.

Existing Lookup Display Multiple Columns

The Existing Lookup Display Multiple Columns advanced property will allow you to alter the Add Existing record lookup dropdown list. Instead of displaying the Display Field, the dropdown list will instead show all columns (Essentially a grid within a grid.) that were defined in the BuildXML, minus the ID data field. By default this is set to 'false'.

Existing Lookup Width

The Existing Lookup Width advanced property will allow you to set the width at which the dropdown list of an existing record lookup will adhere to. By default this is set to 400 pixels.

Window Minimum Width

The Window Minimum Width advanced property will allow you to set the minimum width at which a window will display. This means that you cannot adjust the window to be narrower than the minimum width.

Window Minimum Height

The Window Minimum Height advanced property will allow you to set the minimum height at which the window will display. This means that you cannot adjust the window to be shorter than the set minimum height.

Window Maximum Width

The Window Maximum Width advanced property will allow you to set the maximum height at which the window will display. This means that you cannot adjust the window to be wider than the set maximum width.

Window Maximum Height

The Window Maximum Height advanced property will allow you to set the height at which the window will display. This means that you cannot adjust the window to be taller than the set maximum height.

Window Title Visible

The Window Title Visible advanced property will determine if a pop-up window will have a visible title. By default this is set to 'true'.

Window Statusbar Visible

The Window Statusbar Visible advanced property wil allow you to choose if any pop-up windows will have a visible statusbar. By default, this is set to 'false'.

Window Auto Size

The Window Auto Size advanced property will automatically resize any pop-up windows based upon its content. By default, this is set to 'true'. Please note that this advanced property will override the set Window Height and Window Width values.


The WindowWidth advanced property allows you to define a default height for any pop-up windows to use. By default this is set to 1024 pixels. Please note that if the Window Auto Size advanced property is set to true, this property will not apply.


The WindowHeight advanced property allows you to define a default height for a pop-up window to adhere to. By default this is set to 640 pixels. Please note that if the Window Auto Size advanced property is set to true, this property will not apply.

Window Modal

The Window Modal advanced property allows you to choose if the main browser window will be disabled when another window is displayed. By default, this is set to 'true'.

Window Modal Centered

The Window Modal Centered advanced property will allow you to choose if any additional windows will be automatically centered when they appear. By default this is set to 'true'.


The UseUnencryptedGuids advanced property will decrypt any query string values that are passed through the URL. If a widget has been set to pass a query-string to another widget, the Use Unencrypted Guids properties must match each other or the widgets will be unable to communicate with each other.

Frozen Columns

The Frozen Columns advanced property accepts a column number disregarding the Edit and Delete columns and will not allow the affected columns to move when the user scrolls left or right. For example, we have four columns in a Grid View widget of sorts. If we were to set the Frozen Columns property to two (2), the second column to the fourth column will not be affected by scrolling while all others to the left (Just column one in the example) will be affected by scrolling.



Returns the RadWindow object. 




Returns the RadGrid object. 




Returns the developer name for the control. 

