The Portal Connector Release Notes -

Release Notes - Version 6.1

New Features

  • Editable Grids

    The new Portal Connector Editable grids allows the users to edit the grid on the fly. This seamless grid experience now available on the Page level grids as well as the sub grids.
  • Responsive Grids

    The new Portal Connector responsive grids allow your users to view the grid in a mobile phone as well as a tablets. This will gives a seamless experience to your clients when viewing their data on the go.

Feature Enhancements

  • Image Return Type

    Updated the TPC data services so that images are returned as Base 64 strings from FetchXML expression rather than a byte array. This will be more useful when working with data in Kendo templates. In addition, clients now have the ability to modify the FetchXML builder to include image attributes in the dropdown.
  • Template Editor

    We have added functionality in order to load widget views from custom assemblies using the template editor. Therefore, when building custom widgets, the views are editable using the template editor.
  • IsDirty Functionality

    Add an is_dirty() method that tracks widget value changes for the following TPC widgets: TpcTextField, TpcBoolienField ,TpcDateandTime, TpcImage, TpcLookup, TpcPartylist, TpcPicklist, TpcRating, TpcSignature.

Bug Fixes

  • Updated TPC Registration to accommodate Sitefinity 14.0 while keeping it backwards compatible.
  • Resolved issue with TPC Lookup where pages cascaded TPC Lookups would not display data after redirection to that page.
  • Resolved security issue with TPC Auditing Module.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Lookup with Radio Button appearance when display fields were blank or undefined.
  • Optimized TPC Plugin caching for the Portal to communicate to the CRM more efficiently.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Plugin for On-Premise environments which prevented the ServicePoint object from being modified inside the HttpClient.
  • Resolved an issue with the template editor of the TPC Listview where the sidebar CRM attributes did not consistently populate the values of the template.
  • Updated TPC Registration widget to comply with Sitefinity SecurityManager deprecation standards.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC FormFlow where nested TPC Picklists were not able to have their value selected in the Rule Node.
  • Resolved an issue where numeric precision on Currency textfields was considered.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Auditing configuration where it was unable to audit CRM Queries
  • Resolved issue with TPC FormFlow form submission events where sender was null
  • Added Properties for Fallback User(s) to allow for parallel connections to the CRM.
  • Optimized Code to Reduce CRM Calls and Outbound Connections.
  • Resolved issue with TPC FormFlow unable to load data resulting in an "Invalid Form" error.
  • Removed explicit garbage collection from TPC Licensing & unsafe dictionary usage.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Grid filtering resulting in no data when datetime is set to null
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Lookup where PrepopulateFirstValue would not load first value
  • Added usability/accessibility feature to TPC Grids and Listviews such that an alert appears when restricted records fail to delete on CRM
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Grids and TPC Charts displaying linked entity records on order by
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Sharepoint not saving records with special characters
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Migrations executing an invocation exception on export.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Migrations resulting in a SQL overflow error on import.
  • Added missing filter localizations to Labels and Messages that allows users to customize translations for filters such as Ends with, Is null, Is Not null, etc.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Audit Module to prevent it from going into an infinite loop
  • Resolved an issue with TPC ListView/SubListview templates relating to a binding expression leading to error
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Status widget where readonly status text would render in English on non-English pages.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Client-side API firing 'tpc:reload' event twice.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Client-side API firing 'tpc:ready' event before 'DOMContentLoaded' event in rare cases.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Lookup widget where a Lookup using another Lookup as a filter would fire 'Required' field validation on page load.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Rules Manager where using 'Contains Data' and 'Does not Contain Data' were not working correctly for lookups.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Image widget failing to save in design mode due to non-unique name.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Picklist, Partylist, and TextField widgets where unpopulated required fields throw javascript errors causing browser focus to fail.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Widgets throwing syntax error in design mode.
  • Enhanced TPC Scheduled Task Monitor by adding a refresh button which allows the user to refresh scheduled task list.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Forms when using multiple forms on a page where subsequent forms were using settings of the first form instead of their own.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Widgets in design mode when creating a field with the same default name as an existing widget in a form would throw an error.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Configuration where the specified email for Error Log Emails could not be read.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Subgrid and TPC Sublistview widgets where they would not refresh after submitting a form with ShowOnSuccess attribute set to true.
  • Resolved an issue with User Impersonation not working in some widgets such as the TPC Notes widget.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Forms where cascading fields were not working correctly.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Grid widget where using a keyboard hotkey could bring up a default editor window that is not supported by TPC.
  • Enhanced the Image widget to support custom Image attributes.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC TextField widget where readonly fields were made editable by default.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Subgrid and TPC Sublistview widgets where the initial load was not respecting the PageSize property, always loading 100 records for the first page.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Saved Queries' Fetch XML Builder where the calendar icon was missing for date filters.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Forms where forms with ShowOnSuccess property set to true in TPC Form Manager were still redirecting to previous page rather than showing form after submission.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Forms where embedded (or nested) forms were not filtering correctly if no form controls were present.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Grid and TPC Chart widgets where including an aggregate with a linked entity would through an error.
  • Resolved a styling issue in Sitefinity 13.3 with some widgets' TPC Column Editor in design mode.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Static Value widget throwing an error when in design mode.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Client-side api not firing 'tpc:ready' event after submitting a form with ShowOnSuccess property set to true in TPC Form Manager.
  • Enhanced TPC Cascaded Fields by refactoring cascading functionality to improve performance.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Widgets where cascading data was not functioning correctly.
  • Enhanced TPC Form Manager by adding a configuration property to disable batch loading CRM form data (property called 'BatchCrmFormData').
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Forms when using multiple forms on a page where subsequent forms were using settings of the first form instead of their own.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Modules where duplicate configuration pages were being created/registered during Sitefinity initialization
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Subgrid widget retrieving data when the form loads initially.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Sublistview widget retrieving data when the form loads initially.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Yes/No widget failing to initialize in ReadOnly mode.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Knowledge Base and TPC Knowledge Base Search widgets in design mode where selected subject filters were logged to browser console for every selection made.
  • Resolved some styling issues with TPC Static Value widget designer in design mode.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Migrations tool regarding grid styling.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Lookup widget where the selected option was not updated after editing it.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Partylist widget where the help link in the widget designer was not pointing to the correct URL.
  • Added Sitefinity 13.3 Support
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Migrations tool where errors were not being logged in the correct place.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Chart widget where resizing charts would throw an error.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Forms where clicking 'Edit Form' on a form with a nested template would throw an error.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Picklist widget where only one Horizontal Bar picklist in a form could set it's value.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Picklist widget where default values were not being set.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Forms and TPC Form Flow widgets initializing in design mode.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Picklist widget where Read-only picklists were failing to initialize.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Clientside API where errors were being thrown and widgets could not load correctly in Internet Explorer 11.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Form Manager where adding two forms on a page with the same entity was failing to initialize correctly.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Form Manager where adding two forms on a page with two separate entities was causing load issues.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Metadata where errors were thrown if a given record could not be found in metadata.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Grid Service where using Query String filters in your Fetch XML would throw errors if the parameter didn't exist in the Query String.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Saved Queries where attempting to change permissions of all saved queries (break inheritance) fails.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Form Flow where an additional row element was breaking form styling.
  • Enhanced TPC Form Flow to allow submission of current forms when using Navigation widget to change form.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Builds where an extra, unnecessary dependency was being included. Removed as it is provided by Sitefinity.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Saved Queries where parameters that included apostrophes (') would not return any data.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Widgets where initialization code was running in design mode.
  • Enhanced TPC Metadata for newer versions of Dynamics (v9+) to support custom image fields as the primary entity image.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Admin App using CDS instances where you were unable to disable TPC Ecommerce.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Admin App using CDS instances where Price Lists would throw errors on the Ecommerce general settings page.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Grid Popup Windows where maximizing the window did not update the height of the window.
  • Resolved an issue with parsing UTC times where times being rendered were being calculated incorrectly.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Form Flow where styles were missing when on a page without other TPC widgets.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Migrations where time was showing in UTC instead of local.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Migrations where checkboxes were not aligned with page names.
  • Resolved an issue with sending email notifications on form submission where Default Title of a Form was 'Untitled'.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Saved Queries where Static Fetch XML Filters were causing queries to fail.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Saved Queries Fetch Builder where 'Order By' fields were not rendering as a drop-down of selectable Attributes.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Migrations where 'Export Owners' was causing Migrations to fail. 'Export Owners' no longer supported with Migrations.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Admin App where portal initialization was throwing several exceptions.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Admin App where relevant navigation options were missing from navigation bars even though modules are installed.
  • Resolved an issue with Scheduled Task Monitor where task data included unencrypted passwords.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Lookup widget where any lookup that had a display attribute that is not a DateTime would throw a warning in the browser console.
  • Removed an unnecessary dependency as it was a duplicate of one already supplied by Sitefinity.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Partylist widget where removing the last selected option would cause form submission to fail.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Partylist widget where if a selected option contained a comma (','), the widget would throw an error during setup.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Form Manager where in some cases, both a success and error message could be shown on submit.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Configuration were testing a CRM connection using Client Secret would always show connection successful message.
  • Resolved an issue where TPC Plugins were intermittently failing to populate Portal Information from cache.
  • Resolved an issue with date filtering (On, On or Before, On or After) where time zone was not being respected.
  • Enhanced TPC Migrations by reducing the number of status requests being made.
  • Resolved an issue with the 'tpc:ready' event not firing when reloading forms on successful submission.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Picklist where it would render blank in a read-only form if multiple values were selected.
  • Resolved an issue with OAuth connections where the RedirectUri property was not being populated and caused connections to fail.
  • Resolved some styling/appearance related issues in Auditing Reports.
  • Resolved an issue with Auditing Reports where the "All Users" option would not appear at the top of the list.
  • Enhanced TPC Power Automate by firing Portal User Events when managing Portal Users.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Power Automate where event handlers were not running when some events fired.
  • Resolved an issue with TPC Power Automate where operations could not be used.
  • Resolved an issue where some unnecessary system libraries were included in TPC build.

​Breaking Changes

  • Microsoft Support Ended for Dynamics 2011 & Dynamics 2013

    In order to keep our Dynamics SDK versions up-to-date with the latest versions provided by Microsoft, we are no longer providing mainstream builds compatible with Dynamics 2011 and Dynamics 2013. Please reach out to if you require a CRM 2011 or CRM 2013 build.

    Actions Required:
    If you are on Dynamics 2011 or Dynamics 2013, we recommend upgrading to Dynamics 2015 or later. 
  • Image Return Type Change

    due to image type change to Base64 please modify any custom template that you may have on the grid and the list views.

    Actions Required:
    Any custom code needs to be update as follows 

    For Grid, select EntityImage field (or any other image field) from the dropdown and then go to the column editor, and format the HTML  for the attribute as follows
    <img src="{0}">

    For Listview, select EntityImage field from dropdown and in template editor, add the following tag
    <img alt="#: fullname #" height="144px" width="144px" src="#: entityimage #"/>

  • Dynamics CRM Plugin Encryption

    We enhanced the security behind the communication between the Portal and Dynamics CRM. It is a breaking change that requires action from the client to restore communication between the Portal and Dynamics.

    Actions Required:
    • In the Portal Connector Configuration page, navigate to the General Settings tab and then click the Install CRM Solution button.
    • Verify that the Microsoft Dynamics system now has ThePortalConnector Solution version installed. This may take a moment as the Install CRM Solution button begins a scheduled task which can take up to 5-10 minutes to execute.

      If the plugin is not communicating with the portal correctly after these steps have been taken, verify that the CRM Portal Id field under Administration > Settings > Advanced > PortalConnector > CRM Connections > Default Connection matches the Id of the pav_portal record entity of the Portal in the Dynamics CRM system. If it does not, update it to match the id of the portal and then restart the portal site.
  • Read Only fields IsDirty Functionality

    Read only widgets now returns false when any of the is dirty methods are been called.

    Actions Required:
    Any custom code relating to is dirty functionality need to adjust the code accordingly. 
  • IsDirty Functionality

    tpc.$isDirty method has been deprecated.

    Actions Required:
    Any custom code referencing this method now need to use tpc.isFieldDirty method by passing the field name and form name (optional).