Advanced properties provide additional functionality. They can be accessed by clicking on the "Advanced" Button in the bottom right corner of the widget designer.
The UseUnencryptedGuids advanced property will decrypt any query string values that are passed through the URL. If a widget has been set to pass a query-string to another widget, the Use Unencrypted Guids properties must match each other or the widgets will be unable to communicate with each other.
Edit Redirect After Add
When set to true, the Edit Redirect After Add advanced property is used to redirect the user to an editing form after they have added a new record. The editing form can be determined from the Basic tab if the Allow Editing of Records checkbox is enabled.
Multi Form Step Query Name
The Multi Form Step Query Name advanced property allows you to change the query parameter. It only works with the Multi Form Step Buttons widget. By default, this is set to 'step'.
Processing Image Url
The Processing Image Url advanced property will allow you to determine what loading graphic will appear in place of the default one. You can change this by linking to any image you'd like by url. In addition the Show Processing Image advanced property must be set to true. If this is left blank a Portal Connector loading graphic will be used instead.
Show Processing Image
The Show Processing Image advanced property will allow you to control whether a loading graphic will appear beside the submit button's processing text or not. In order for the image to appear, the Enable Processing Message advanced property must be set to true. By default this is set to true.
Processing Text
The Processing Text advanced property will allow you to set the text of a form's submit button when it is clicked. The Enable Processing Message advanced property must be set to true for this to work. By default, this is set to 'Processing...'.
Enable Processing Message
The Enable Processing Message advanced property will allow you to change the behaviour of the submit button. When set to true, clicking the button will disable it and change the text to represent the form processing the new submission. By default this is set to true.
Redirect Page URL
The Redirect Page URL advanced property will allow you to set a page URL for the form manager to redirect the browser to in the event of a successful form submission. The redirect will also forward the created or updated records GUID to the next page by using the query string.
Redirect With All Query String Parameters
The Redirect With All Query String Parameters advanced property will append every query string parameter to the URL when the form is redirected. By default this is set to false.
Disable Default Post CRM Submit Events
The Disable Default Post CRM Submit Events advanced property will disable all redirect events when a form is submitted such as multi-step buttons and grid redirects. By default this is set to false.
Link to Checkout Page
The Link to Checkout Page option will allow you to redirect the user to another page upon the successful submission of a form.
Choose a Form
The Choose a Form option will allow you to choose from a list of published forms for the Form Manager widget to use.
Read Only
The Read Only checkbox will not allow the user to interact with the widget when checked.
Insert Only
The Insert Only checkbox will not allow records to be retrieved by this form, in essence only allowing you to create new records. This will ensure the form ignores any querystring parameters passed in.
Custom Error Message Format HTML
The Custom Error Message Format HTML property is an HTML text field that allows you to specify the format of an exception. The text field accepts the string format of {0} which is the exception message text.
Show Custom Error
The Show Custom Error check box will allow you to define a custom error format to be used when a form submission fails.
Show Error
The Show Error property check box will show an error upon form submission failure. In addition, it will also prevent the page from navigating elsewhere.