Returns the model object of the widget, which contains a number of useful properties related to the widget.
In the case of the Sub-Grid View widget, these returned properties and their types are:
- AddRecordPageUrl: String
- AllowAddingExistingRecords: Boolean
- AllowAddingRecords: Boolean
- AllowDeletingRecords: Boolean
- AllowEditingRecords: Boolean
- AllowExportingRecords: Boolean
- ControlDataId: String
- CurrentRecordId: String
- CurrentRecordLogicalName: String
- EditRecordPageUrl: String
- ExistingRecordsDisplayAttribute: String
- ExistingRecordsValueAttribute: String
- GridSettings: Object
- AddRecordButtonText: String
- ExcelExportAllPages: Boolean
- ExcelExportFileName: String
- ExcelExportFilterable: Boolean
- Filterable: Boolean
- Groupable: Boolean
- PageSize: Integer
- Pageable: Boolean
- PageableAllowRefresh: Boolean
- PageableButtonCount: Integer
- PageablePageSizes: String
- ReorderableColumns: Boolean
- ResizableColumns: Boolean
- ServerFiltering: Boolean
- ServerGrouping: Boolean
- ServerPaging: Boolean
- ServerSorting: Boolean
- ShowColumnMenu: Boolean
- Sortable: Boolean
- VirtualScrolling: Boolean
- RecordsToShow: String
- SubGridSettings: Object
- AddExistingRecordsButtonText: String
- AddExistingRecordsCancelButtonText: String
- AddExistingRecordsPlaceholderText: String
- ExpandExistingRecordsOnFocus: Boolean
- SelectExistingRecordOnTab: Boolean