Returns the modal window associated with the widget.
jQuery Object
Returns the div of the order summary.
Returns the Kendo Window Object associated with the widget.
Returns the div of the contact information.
Returns the error containing div.
Toggles the visibility of the widget.;
Returns the div of the shipping address.
Returns the kendo template for the element containing order summary of the widget.
Returns the type of widget it is. Can be used in conjunction with findAll() e.g., tpc.findAll()[0].get_type().
Returns the model configuration object of the widget, which contains several useful properties related to the widget.
Returns the div of the shipping method options.
Shows the widget on the page.
Gets the kendo configurations on the checkout widget.
Returns the container element of the widget.
Returns the billing address div container.
Event that taps into the loading of the Portal Connector Checkout widget.
Returns the checkout div containing the contact, billing and shipping info.
Hides the widget from the page.
Method adds a click event to any element inside the checkout placeholder. The selector parameter takes a CSS selector on a custom button. The clickEvent parameter is an anonymous method that gets triggered by a click.".customPay ",function(){alert("hello")});
String and Function