
Forums / Bugs & Issues / *Required field alert not disappearing until after you click away

*Required field alert not disappearing until after you click away

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. Katye Gaynor
    Katye Gaynor avatar
    2 posts
    01 Sep 2023
    01 Sep 2023
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    Hi there,
    We have validation that sometimes just tells the user a field is required, or it can be more complex, but for this example I will stay with a field being required. If we try to proceed through a form flow without input to the field, it will alert that it is required. If the user then types into the field, it stays alerting until they click out of the field. I had gotten used to this as a dev, but a tester has marked it as a bug and I agree it could cause confusion to end users.
    Is there a way to make it so the field recognises there is input and it stops alerting, before the user has to click away?
  2. Rawdon Edghill
    Rawdon Edghill avatar
    76 posts
    16 Dec 2020
    01 Sep 2023
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    Hi Katye,

    Thank you for your query. 

    This should be achievable but you might have to use some custom code, instead of using the out of the box functionality.  

  3. Katye Gaynor
    Katye Gaynor avatar
    2 posts
    01 Sep 2023
    04 Sep 2023 in reply to Rawdon Edghill
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    Hi Rawdon,

    Thanks for your reply. I'd be happy to use custom code, would you have an idea of where to start?

    Kind regards,
    Katye Gaynor
3 posts, 0 answered