The Portal Connector 6.1 Release


The Portal Connector 6.1 Release

This new release has dazzling feature enhancements that will have your customers excited for more! 

New Features

    • Editable Grids  The new Portal Connector Editable grids allows the users to edit the grid on the fly. This seamless grid experience now available on the Page level grids as well as the sub grids.


    • Responsive Grids –  The New Portal Connector responsive grids allow your users to view the grid on a mobile phone as well as on tablets. This will give a seamless experience to your clients when viewing their data on the go.


    Feature Enhancements

    • Image Return Type – Updated the TPC data services so that images are returned as Base 64 strings from FetchXML expression rather than a byte array. This will be more useful when working with data in Kendo templates. In addition, clients now have the ability to modify the FetchXML builder to include image attributes in the dropdown.
    • Template Editor – We have added functionality in order to load widget views from custom assemblies using the template editor. Therefore, when building custom widgets, the views are editable using the template editor.
    • IsDirty Functionality – Add an is_dirty() method that tracks widget value changes for the following TPC widgets: TpcTextField, TpcBoolienField ,TpcDateandTime, TpcImage, TpcLookup, TpcPartylist, TpcPicklist, TpcRating, TpcSignature.


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