
Forums / Developing Portals / Hide/Show elements using javascript

Hide/Show elements using javascript

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. Mason Ambery
    Mason Ambery avatar
    67 posts
    19 Nov 2021
    26 Sep 2023
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    I have some pages that hide elements on a page using the rules manager and other pages that hide elements like a grid based on a user's portal role.  I have everything working but the elements display when the page first loads and then are hidden.  What's the best way to hide all content contained within the body of the page until the page has completed executing to prevent elements from showing and then being hidden?
  2. Dustyn Holland
    Dustyn Holland avatar
    8 posts
    19 Jun 2023
    27 Sep 2023 in reply to Mason Ambery
    Link to this post
    Hello Mason,

    On the form, how many elements are operating off that Rule Manager to either hide or show?

    There is that period when the logic catches up, and I can look into a possible solution for this.

    However, one possible solution that comes to mind is possibly switching the logic in the Rule Manager to where all discussed elements begin hidden and then display based off of User Role. This way the logic begins with everything hidden and then changes the visibility once the logic has had time to process.

2 posts, 0 answered