
Forums / Bugs & Issues / Grid translation work only for one grid on the page and others are in English

Grid translation work only for one grid on the page and others are in English

4 posts, 1 answered
  1. Missing user
    Missing user avatar
    13 Jul 2022
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    when using multiple grids / subgrids on translated page (French) - only one of them get translated (in terms of UI - column menus, sorting, filtering, etc.), others are in English.

    Could you please tell me is there any javascript function or something that allow to reinitialize translation/labels for a specific subgrid so we can check/debug what may cause the issue?

    Sitefinity version: 13.0.7326.0
    TPC version: 6.0.7326.150

    Thank you.
  2. Missing user
    Missing user avatar
    27 Jul 2022
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    Is there anything else I can try?
  3. Missing user
    Missing user avatar
    01 Aug 2022 in reply to Missing user
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    The answer that may help to others:

    Please make sure that localization is enabled in the advanced properties for the Grid and in the MVC Configuration:

    should be set to "True"
  4. Bhargavi Mahal
    Bhargavi Mahal avatar
    14 posts
    16 Dec 2020
    02 Aug 2022
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    Hello Dmitriy,

    Our Apologies.

    Thank you for posting the answer. We appreciate,

    Bhargavi Mahal.
4 posts, 1 answered