
Forums / Developing Portals / Sharepoint Document Grid Filtering

Sharepoint Document Grid Filtering

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2 posts, 1 answered
  1. mbayes
    mbayes avatar
    17 posts
    29 Dec 2015
    03 Feb 2017
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    Hey, it's Matt again!

    Currently we are using the Sharepoint Documents Grid on a profile to display any records that have been uploaded to Sharepoint by the user. This grid also shows any records that a user in CRM has uploaded on their Contact record and related records.

    The issue is that we need to limit what documents the user is able to see. Ideally they should be able to view all documents they upload, and only the documents that a user in CRM flags as being available on the portal.

    Is this functionality possible? Since there is no FetchXML Builder for the widget I assume it is not an OOB task.


  2. Clinton Bale
    Clinton Bale avatar
    126 posts
    21 Feb 2014
    28 Mar 2017 in reply to mbayes
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    Hello Matt,

    Sorry for the late response. The SharePoint grid currently has no additional filtering functionality available to you other than the standard related documents filter.

    I've added this to our issue tracker however, it is indeed something that we should be looking at. TPC 4.0 comes with the new MVC based SharePoint documents grid, and source code for this widget is available upon request if you want to customise the data source filtering.

    Send an email over to me or for more information.

2 posts, 1 answered