
Forums / Developing Portals / Problem with N:N relationship

Problem with N:N relationship

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2 posts, 1 answered
  1. erik.voets
    erik.voets avatar
    5 posts
    27 Apr 2015
    07 Oct 2015
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    I'm trying to get a subgrid on a form that uses a N:N relationship. This would be on a form for a contact to update his personal information.  They sould be able to indicate what they're interested in, so they should be allowed to add existing records to the grid.

    The problem is, when i try to build the subgrid, the control is only allowing me to display the records with the contact information. So while it does show that a contact for example has one record related to it, it shows the contact information. When i try to change the fetchxml to show the data of the other entity, it just shows an empty grid, with the record count the total records for this entity.

    Same problem with the existing data, it only works for the contact list itself, not for the other entity.
  2. Missing user
    Missing user avatar
    14 Oct 2015 in reply to erik.voets
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    Hi Erik,

    Currently, TPC does not fully support N:N fetches and it is on our road map for future versions.

    However, you can write these fetches yourself and they should work in any TPC widget provided that you don't use the Fetch XML builder to edit this fetch (As this will break the fetch). Additionally, you can build these fetches in CRM and they should work just fine in TPC.

    Please note that if you are using N:N fetches in the CRM Sub-Grid View, you will have to​ set the 'Automatic Fetch Filtering' advanced property to false and you will have to do the filtering yourself.

    Hopefully this helps!

    Warm Regards,

    Last modified on 14 Oct 2015 15:10 by Missing user
2 posts, 1 answered