
Forums / Developing Portals / Parent Child records

Parent Child records

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2 posts, 2 answered
  1. kuba
    kuba avatar
    8 posts
    21 Apr 2016
    27 Apr 2016
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    Hi, I'm sure I'm missing something simple here so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.

    I have a grid, from the grid I want to add a new record. Lets say the grid displays a list of relationships between one contact and another, say mother, son, father etc with the list filtered to the logged in user id. When I add a relationship, it opens a new form for the relationship where the user can set the relationship - mother father etc and the secondary contact. The secondary contact list is filtered to any contact records that already exist in this relationship. However the user may wish to create a secondary contact, so that will open another page with the first name last name etc of the new contact.  

    On this create contact page, I want to set a lookup field to tell me that the contact was created by the logged in user on the portal, so that (amongst other things) I can also include this contact in the list on the add relationship page by modifying that filter, as it won't display it in the drop down at this stage otherwise.

    I've tried using embedded form configurations and setting the relationship but if I set "use logged in contact id" on either form config it will display the details of the current user, instead of giving me a blank form and setting the created by portal user field.

    So - short version of the question - how do I include the logged in user as a lookup on a new item?


  2. kuba
    kuba avatar
    8 posts
    21 Apr 2016
    27 Apr 2016
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    D'oh nevermind... just saw the crm static value widget...
2 posts, 2 answered