Support and Services

Weekly Q&A

These session are open to Customers and Partners to interact with our support team to gain insight, direction and best practices for configuring and developing with The Portal Connector.

Online Forum

Questions and issues can be posted to our support forum where The Portal Connector community and our support team will provide feedback and responses typically within 24 – 48 hours.

Online Case Submission

Support cases can be submitted through our online support portal. Our goal is to provide an initial response within 24 hours. Support requests are prioritized based on their severity.

Online Partner Training

Join us for a two-day training designed exclusively for our partners. Day one focuses on "Sitefinity Backend Training (No Code-Low Code)," where you'll learn to harness the full potential of Sitefinity's backend without coding expertise. On day two, delve into "The Portal Connector - Front-End (Client-Side) with fully customizable templating. Don't miss out on this opportunity to excel in both Sitefinity's backend and portal front-end customization.

Support Services

The Portal Connector_Rings Logo  Installation & Setup Package      

  • Assistance with the installation and set up of The Portal Connector solution.
  • Ensure all elements are connected and configured appropriately:
    • Packaging a solution type, to address all levels of complication.
    • Environment issues 

The Portal Connector_Rings Logo  Base Package     

  • Discounted rate on bulk hours
  • Examples of tasks that have been completed using this package include:
    • Installation
    • Templates, config, custom development, integrations, authentication

The Portal Connector_Rings Logo  Template Package     

  • 1 themed template created by a skilled web developer on The Portal Connector Team
  • Template can be based on your existing website design, or a new design as per your requirements

The Portal Connector_Rings Logo  Value Package   

  • Discounted rate on bulk hours
  • Examples of tasks that have been completed using this package:
    • Installation
    • Templates, config, custom development, integrations, authentication

At The Portal Connector, we are committed to delivering the best possible support to our Customers and Partners.

Everyone is welcome to use our Support Forum at any time. Search our forum or post a question. Our Support Team monitors and moderates the forum daily.

Additional support options are provided for Customers current on their Maintenance and Support for their Portal Connector license.


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