Release Notes - Version 3.​2

New Features

  • Portal Connector Accelerators

    New accelerator framework that allows for the import and export of Forms, Pages, Templates, Themes, Entities, Resources and CRM Solutions. This framework will allow pre built accelerators like the Event Management solution to be just 1 click away to install to your current Portal Connector portal. This framework also makes it easier to conform to the standard production cycle of Dev > QA > Prod by importing and exporting customizations.
  • CRM User Invite Process

    The invite functionality allows CRM users with the correct permissions to invite users to the portal with a specific role. Dynamics CRM also has a new entity that manages the invite email and the settings related to the invite. Invites can also be created in the Portal with some basic customization if you wish for users to be allowed to invite their colleagues.

New Features (Beta)

  • CRM Advanced Pin Map MVC (Beta)

    A PinMap with multiple marker images per status. This widget uses a specific Status dropdown crm field. The designer would dynamically pre-populate itself with marker selection options per status. You can configure the look and feel of the map by selecting from more than a dozen of map overlays, drag and drop pin images into a library then connect to CRM using the usual FetchXML tools. This feature is using client side geocoding to find the coordinates of data records. This is to avoid topping the free google geocoding quota limit.
  • CRM Shape Map MVC (Beta)

    Geographical region based data visualization map. Color codes regions based on CRM data. This feature collects the CRM data then groups then by region and sums up value per region. Then color codes them based on the sum value per this region. Region Selector: User can pick a geographical region of interest. Available options: - Canada: Divided into Provinces/Territories. - USA: Divided into States. - World: Divided into Countries - Canada, USA and World: Countries with Canada and US divided into States/Provinces/Territories. Color Codes: Choose color by textbox hex-RGB or RGBA, use the simple Pallet or use the Color Picker.
  • CRM Bubble Map MVC (Beta)

    Very similar to PinMap with simple data visualization in form of bubbles. This widget can display Pin Markers and value bubbles. Use fetchXML to select your CRM entities that you need to visualize. You can pick the color of you value bubbles and set their opacity. This map will also work in the page designer, not just on the live site.
  • CRM Pin Map MVC (Beta)

    A simple way to display CRM entities on a geographical map. You can configure the look and feel of the map by selecting from more than a dozen of map overlays, drag and drop pin images into a library then connect to CRM using the usual FetchXML tools. Weather overlay is also available. This feature is using client side geocoding to find the coordinates of data records. This is to avoid topping the free google geocoding quota limit.

Feature Enhancements

  • Dynamics CRM 2016 Support

    An upgraded solution with full Dynamics CRM 2016 support. This allows The Portal Connector to be used with the full potential of Dynamics CRM 2016.
  • Saving Billing/Shipping to Contact

    New Portal Connector eCommerce setting that provides functionality to push address data from the shipping/billing step in the checkout process to the purchasing contact if changed
  • CRM Sub-Grid View Column Widths

    Provided the ability for the portal customizer to define the "Edit" and "Delete" column widths on a CRM Sub-Grid View.
  • Hidden Property on Form Widgets

    Added new property to all form widgets that allows to hide the widget from users without compromising its availability for background data manipulation.
  • Ecommerce Order Freight Tax

    Added the option to store a Sitefinity orders' freight tax into Dynamics CRM using a separate line item.
  • New Account for Purchasing Contacts

    Provided the ability for the eCommerce processor to create an account for the purchasing contact if the contact is not already associated to the account. The new account can be based on either the Billing or Shipping address of the contact.
  • Tax Exempt Roles

    Provided the ability for users to define tax exempt Sitefinity roles. These roles will clear all tax values from all orders the user creates.
  • CRM Picklist Sorting

    Provided the option for portal customizers to sort the CRM Picklist options by either the Label, Description or Value from the metadata.
  • CRM Picklist Render Mode

    Added render mode option to the CRM Picklist designer to allow you to chose between the standard DropDownList or the new RadioButtonList.
  • Rolling Error Logs

    Included an option to "roll" the error logs so that there is no more than a certain amount of error logs at a time by deleting the oldest in favour of the newest. This option is enabled by default and the default maximum number of error logs is 500.
  • Designer Form Selection Paging

    Increased page size and added paging to the form selectors across multiple Portal Connector widget designers.
  • CRM Form Manager Error Reporting

    A new option for portal customizers on the CRM Form Manager that enables frontend errors so that portal users can see any errors that CRM or The Portal Connector may have with their submission. When showing errors, all form submissions are blocked until the error is gone, however they will still be added the the CRM Form Submission queue.
  • Designer Icons

    Every form and page widget that The Portal Connector provides now has an icon associated to it to represent what it does and assist you in finding the correct widget that you need.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed error with the eCommerce pay button preventing you from paying towards non "Money" fields
  • Fixed error with the eCommerce pay button when attempting to pay for null fields
  • Fixed minor JavaScript API issues with WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility changes including styling and other display issues for controls rendered in accessibility mode.
  • Fixed Dynamics CRM 2011 metadata synchronization issue that caused some attributes to be missing from the metadata sync.
  • Fixed error that occurred when trying to synchronize products without a product type
  • Fixed issue where read only fields on a form would be cleared on post back.
  • Fixed issue where orders would not be set to declined in Dynamics CRM if the status was the "Cancelled" status.
  • Removed page validation check when clicking "Create PDF" in the Page to PDF widget.
  • Fixed issue when creating a portal user for a contact that did not have a parent customer causing a potential null reference exception in other parts of the portal.
  • Fixed performance issues with the CRM Lookup where the CRM Lookup would rebind on form submit.
  • Fixed issue that occurred with multiple CRM Lookup widgets sharing the RadWindow settings when they were all configured to allow editing on the same form.
  • Fixed issue with the JavaScript API for the CRM Boolean control when rendered in Accessibility mode.
  • Fixed issue with Portal Connector eCommerce where a products price list would default to the contacts price list even if that price list did not contain the product.
  • Fixed issue where not all form widgets would be read only when a CRM Form Manager was marked as read only configured with a form that had a CRM Notes field.
  • Fixed metadata synchronization issue where deleted option set options in Dynamics CRM would not be reflected to the Portal Connector metadata if the entity was already published.
  • Fixed issue with the Multi-Form Step Buttons that prevented steps passing in all of the guids of all records on the Form to the next form. The fix now allows for all child entities recursively to pass their guid to the next form.
  • Fixed issue with the form selectors across multiple Portal Connector widget designers that did not show the title of the currently selected form when there were more than 50 forms in Sitefinity.

Breaking Changes

Known Issues

  • Charts and MVC Maps JavaScript Conflict

    Charts and maps displayed on the same page in Sitefinity will cause JavaScript library conflict errors and fail to load one or the other depending on the order dropped in the page. We are currently looking into ways to fix the compatibility issues between these two widgets.
  • Slow Error Log Creation after Upgrade

    When upgrading to The Portal Connector 3.2 rolling error logs will be enabled by default. The first time the error log list is "rolled" could take a long time and may cause slow loading for the first user who creates the error.
  • Accelerators not compatible with Sitefinity 7.2 and lower

    Due to the Accelerators using the latest Sitefinity and Telerik widgets to bring the best experience possible to the users of the Accelerators: Sitefinity 7.2 and lower does not support Exporting of accelerators at this time. Importing on Sitefinity 7.2 and lower however is fully functional.