
Forums / General Discussions / Retrieve and display data from parent/child entities on single page

Retrieve and display data from parent/child entities on single page

3 posts, 1 answered
  1. Mike Cohen
    Mike Cohen avatar
    31 posts
    10 Aug 2021
    21 Sep 2021
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    We are trying to field applications via a crm portal.  We have an "application" entity that is N:1 with the contact entity (each contact can have multiple applications).  

    The applications are filled out gradually throughout the year and users will return and fill out different parts of the application at different times. 

    I'm unsure how to display an editbale copy of a contact's particular application each time they login to the portal.  What is the recommended method when a contact logs into a portal to retrieve and display their most recent application record in CRM and present it to the user to be edited? 

  2. Brady Ward
    Brady Ward avatar
    92 posts
    19 Aug 2021
    23 Sep 2021 in reply to Mike Cohen
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    Hi Mike,

    Is Application a field on the contact entity or do contacts become a field on the Application entity (ie. Owner/Contact Owner)?

    Also, there are a few potential options for solving your problem.

    Option 1 (easiest) - Using a grid/list view to filter your data and return only one record after sorting by date (this would allow a user to then select the edit option on the record and begin editing the application).
    Option 2 - Nesting 2 forms together and building the relationship between them. This would also require the above filtering for the FetchXML (

    Looking forward to your reply,
  3. Mike Cohen
    Mike Cohen avatar
    31 posts
    10 Aug 2021
    10 Dec 2021
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    Listview option worked.  Thanks
3 posts, 1 answered