
Forums / Developing Portals / Guidance on setting up ADFS with custom claims

Guidance on setting up ADFS with custom claims

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2 posts, 1 answered
  1. Kevin Dowker
    Kevin Dowker avatar
    4 posts
    03 May 2019
    25 Feb 2020
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    I'm looking for some guidance on configuring Sitefinity and ADFS to use additional custom claims stored in Dynamics. The Portal User record will be tied to a Contact, as normal, but there will be 2 additional fields which we'll need to compare on the client certificate in order to login users.  I understand there will need to be some redirection to ADFS but not sure what additional code needs to be written and where in order to either a) leverage ADFS to query for the custom claims, or b) write that query as code in the portal backend. There are a few pages on the Sitefinity site that cover some of this but some content appears to be dated. If I can get a reference to updated content that would be helpful as well. 

  2. Josh
    Josh avatar
    47 posts
    01 Jun 2018
    27 Feb 2020 in reply to Kevin Dowker
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    Hello Kevin,

    Here is a link to the most recent information for configuring ADFS with Sitefinity: This should get you started in implementing your custom Authentication.

    Regarding your custom claims that are being passed from ADFS, we don’t have experience mapping custom claims when using ADFS. Mapping custom claims to the Sitefinity profile using ADFS is more difficult and would likely require you to create a custom External Authentication Provider. More information on that can be found here:

    The Issue with this is that when the claim is first created, the user will not be registered yet. So, you can capture your custom claim and then store it in the cache (or elsewhere) for once the user is created. You could then use the UserCreated Event to pull that custom claim from the cache and assign it to a custom field in the Sitefinity profile. More information on Sitefinity User Events can be found here:

    Here are link(s) to information on modifying the Sitefinity profile:

    If you need additional help with your custom implementation, please reach out to us at


2 posts, 1 answered