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Attribute Not showing

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2 posts, 1 answered
  1. Ray Arambula
    Ray Arambula avatar
    6 posts
    22 Mar 2018
    21 Nov 2019
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    I have a "telephone1" attribute for "contact" entity , its a text field but i can not see it on a form designer widget. the only  diff i see that in CRM there is a format specified on that attribute. Is there  a way to make that entity to show up on forms 
  2. Alex
    Alex avatar
    19 posts
    27 Sep 2018
    22 Nov 2019 in reply to Ray Arambula
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    Hello Ray,
    What you are experiencing is the issues with the way the metadata of a site used to be handled. If you are on a version of TPC that is below 5.2 you will be experiencing this type of behavior and it is inconsistent and for some clients it was unavoidable. This is why in 5.2 we were able to come out with a complete new way the the metadata is being handled. All of the clients that used to have an issue with metadata have reported no more issues after the upgrade to 5.2.

    If upgrading isn't something that you can currently do. Try the following:
     - Please Ensure that the CRM Text Field and CRM Form Configuration are within the CRM Form Layout widget.
    - Re-initialize the portal connector.
    - Make sure the entity is in the list of Entity Metadata manger if it isnt Add the entity via The Portal Connector > CRM Entities Page.

    Let me know how that works for you.
2 posts, 1 answered