
Forums / Developing Portals / MVC Grid - Add New

MVC Grid - Add New

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3 posts, 1 answered
  1. mbayes
    mbayes avatar
    17 posts
    29 Dec 2015
    01 Mar 2018
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     Hi There!

    I am trying to configure a grid to add a new record on a page. Everything is working fine, however, the only options for the "Add New" record are Redirect to a Page or Show Message. Since this record can get added on multiple pages, I can not redirect to a static page. Ideally what I would expect is when a record is created using the Popup method, the form would close upon submission. This doesn't happen and I can not figure out how to do so. I feel like it is bad practice to display a message to a user telling them to exit out of a popup to update the data.

    Am I missing something or is this feature just not supported?


  2. Adam Benoit
    Adam Benoit avatar
    23 posts
    01 Mar 2017
    01 Mar 2018
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    Hi Matt,

    I believe you are referring to the Settings tab on the right hand side of the form designer.

    In this case, you will want to leave it at the default setting of "Show message for success". When this option is set, the popup window should automatically close and trigger the datasource on the grid to refresh.

    If this isn't happening, you can join the next daily Q&A session and we can take a look at it together.
  3. mbayes
    mbayes avatar
    17 posts
    29 Dec 2015
    01 Mar 2018 in reply to Adam Benoit
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    Hi Adam,

    Thank you for the hasty response.

    After further investigation, it seems there was a TPC Submit Button on the form rather than the default Sitefinity Submit button. After changing the button to a Submit button (and verifying the "Show message for success" option was checked), everything worked perfectly.

    Sorry to waste your time!

3 posts, 1 answered