
Forums / Bugs & Issues / how to create country state and city dropdown fields using portal connector

how to create country state and city dropdown fields using portal connector

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4 posts, 1 answered
  1. izaidi
    izaidi avatar
    1 posts
    18 Jun 2015
    18 Jun 2015
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    how to create country state and city dropdown fields using portal connector?
    I want to use country,state and city fields on my form I can create those by sitefinity form customize widget but don't know how I can bind it inside portal connector form configuration.
    Any help really appreciate it.

  2. Clinton Bale
    Clinton Bale avatar
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    21 Feb 2014
    19 Jun 2015 in reply to izaidi
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    Hello Ibrahim,

    If you have a Country, City or State Option Set field on the entity you are working with you can create a CRM Picklist widget on the form and then select the attribute from the list.

    However if you are just using string fields in CRM you can use a Sitefinity Dropdown List Control and use JavaScript to populate the string field based on the Dropdown List.

    I recommend option 1 if you are not familiar with JavaScript, CRM Option Set fields are supported out of the box with The Portal Connector and do not require any custom configuration.

  3. ROdunuga
    ROdunuga avatar
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    01 Jun 2015
    14 Jul 2015
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    Hello, Was this issue resolved and how?

    I've been trying to do 2 cascade lookup fields  that are linked to each other. if you select a product, then the issue field should be populated with the particular product associated with it.
    How can this be achieved.

  4. Clinton Bale
    Clinton Bale avatar
    126 posts
    21 Feb 2014
    15 Jul 2015 in reply to ROdunuga
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    Hello Rodunuga,

    This issue was resolved by using Pick-lists for cities, countries and provinces and JavaScript. Currently lookups filtered on other lookups is not supported and is on the roadmap for TPC 3.2+

    Best Regards,
    Last modified on 15 Jul 2015 14:07 by Clinton Bale
4 posts, 1 answered