
Forums / Developing Portals / Form Configuration - Populate Using

Form Configuration - Populate Using

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. Mason Ambery
    Mason Ambery avatar
    67 posts
    19 Nov 2021
    06 Feb 2023
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    What controls when the Populate Using dropdown within the Form Configuration widget displays the Contact ID and Parent Customer id options?  I'd like to use this to populate a form similar to the profile page without having to first display a grid.  The record I want to display only contains a single record per Contact/User so adding a grid on one page only to create or select a single record is less than ideal.  If there is another way to accomplish this I'm open to other ideas.
  2. Tariq Salim
    Tariq Salim avatar
    11 posts
    04 Jul 2022
    06 Feb 2023 in reply to Mason Ambery
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    In The Portal Connector, the options that appear in the "Populate Using" dropdown of the Form Configuration widget are determined by the available fields in the object that you have selected as the data source for the form. The Contact ID and Parent Customer ID fields will only appear in the dropdown if they are present in the selected object.

    To populate a form using the Contact ID or Parent Customer ID, you will first need to make sure that the relevant fields are present in the object that you are using as the data source for the form. If these fields are not present, you will need to add them to the object before you can use them to populate the form.

    Once you have the relevant fields in place, you can use the "Populate Using" dropdown in the Form Configuration widget to select either the Contact ID or Parent Customer ID as the source for populating the form. This will allow you to display a form that is similar to the profile page, without having to first display a grid.

    If you are unable to use the "Populate Using" dropdown to populate the form with the Contact ID or Parent Customer ID, or if you have any other questions or concerns, kindly email for additional assistance. 
2 posts, 0 answered