
Forums / Developing Portals / Custom phone validation

Custom phone validation

3 posts, 1 answered
  1. Krishna Hari
    Krishna Hari avatar
    65 posts
    05 Dec 2019
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    How do I do a custom phone validation which would take both us and international phone numbers . I tried custom phone mask for it but did not accept international phone 
  2. Paul O'Toole
    Paul O'Toole avatar
    1 posts
    02 May 2019
    08 Apr 2020
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    Hi Krishna 

    I'm trying to do the same. Did you figure this out yet?

  3. Andre B
    Andre  B avatar
    16 posts
    10 Mar 2020
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    Hi Krishna, thank you for your question.  I would suggest trying the RegEx option instead. I've provided a link to a website where you can find regular expressions used to validate such telephone numbers. Also, it might be useful to utilize the placeholder option to indicate the desired format.

    Internation Regex -

    As there are many possible combinations to account for when validating both US and international telephone numbers, I would also recommend taking a look at a Javascript library designed for such a task. For example, Intl-tel-input might be worth looking at.

    intl-tel-input -

    If you need further assistance with this task, you can contact TPC Support at
    Last modified on 31 Jul 2020 13:07 by Patrick
3 posts, 1 answered