
Forums / Developing Portals / Update Business Process Flow (BPF) from TPC form

Update Business Process Flow (BPF) from TPC form

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. Dan Rausch
    Dan Rausch avatar
    11 posts
    20 Aug 2021
    06 Oct 2021
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    We have a BPF on the standard Case table in D365.  The BPF steps are something like Apply..Pay..Evaluate..Issue.  The first two steps in the process will be done by the client using a TPC form.  The last two steps will be done by an employee in D365.

    Is there a way that we can update (i.e. complete) the first two steps in the BPF when the form is submitted so that it is sitting at the third step waiting for further processing in D365?
  2. Brady Ward
    Brady Ward avatar
    92 posts
    19 Aug 2021
    07 Oct 2021 in reply to Dan Rausch
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    Hello Dan,

    It looks like this can be accomplished using workflows, a CRM solution plugin or client-side JavaScript (in the CRM).

    I believe the easiest way (as you've already setup a Business Process Flow) would be using the workflow. When you create a BPF, an associated entity is also created. We can setup a workflow based on this entity and update the stages during changes or when the BPF is first applied (on creation of the associated entity, unless this is a multi-flow setup).

    In the steps of the workflow, I would replicate your BPF requirements (ie. if the requirement to go from stage 1 to 2 is the Case title containing data, replicate this condition in the workflow). Once your conditional(s) is/are in place, you can then look to update the stage of the BPF in the next step of the workflow, as long as the conditions are met.

    Ensure you run this workflow as a Background Workflow. Otherwise, you will not be able to watch for process changes on the data fields from the entity that the BPF is associated to (Case, in your situation).

    If you have any questions or need help implementing the workflow, feel free to reach out to support at or join one of our daily Q&A sessions.

    All the best,
    TPC Application Consultant

    Last modified on 07 Oct 2021 20:10 by Brady Ward
2 posts, 0 answered