
Forums / Developing Portals / Form Flow - Workflow not showing up

Form Flow - Workflow not showing up

5 posts, 1 answered
  1. Charlotte Wang
    Charlotte Wang avatar
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    02 Nov 2021
    17 Jan 2022
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    I wanted to use "workflow" in the form flow to trigger validation in D365. I added a workflow box right after the "case/application" form but nothing shows up in the workflow dropdown list. I wonder if TPC can shows certain type of workflow from D365? 

  2. Adam Benoit
    Adam Benoit avatar
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    18 Jan 2022 in reply to Charlotte Wang
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    Hi Charlette,

    The worflow node allows the selection of a workflow that is of the same entity as the form before it.

    For example, if you put a for connected to the contact entity then add a workflow node after it, the dropdown on the workflow node will display all workflows in CRM that are for the contact entity.

    If your workflow is new and is not appearing, you may need to sync the metadata from CRM to the portal. This can be done on the Portal Connector Configuration page found under the Administration menu item in the backend of the site.

    If you continue to have issue with workflows not appearing, you could attend a daily Q&A session and our support team can assist.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
  3. Charlotte Wang
    Charlotte Wang avatar
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    18 Jan 2022 in reply to Adam Benoit
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    Thanks a lot, Adam.
    One more question. If the form has more than 2 entities setup for instance case linking to application, will all on-demand workflows associated with these entities show up? Or it will show the workflows associated the first entity (case) only? 
  4. Adam Benoit
    Adam Benoit avatar
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    20 Jan 2022 in reply to Charlotte Wang
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    Hi Charlotte,

    The entity that would be used for the WorkFlow is the one in the outer most form. It will not include any from nested forms. If you need the inner inner entity to be used, you would likely need to rearrange the form so that the required entity is on the outer most form.

    Another option is to use a CRM Action instead of a WorkFlow. They are both processes in CRM but the main differences are that WorkFlows only trigger for a single record of the configured entity. The only parameter is a record id. FormFlow displays all WorkFlows for the outer entity of the previous form.  An action on the other hand can be configured for a specific entity or globally. Actions can also take any number of properties and can output any data needed. FormFlow shows Actions for the outer entity of the previous form for the node plus all Global actions.

    I hope this helps, please let is know if you have any questions.
  5. Charlotte Wang
    Charlotte Wang avatar
    20 posts
    02 Nov 2021
    20 Jan 2022 in reply to Adam Benoit
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    Thanks Adam!
5 posts, 1 answered