
Forums / General Discussions / What is the best CRM for recruiting and admissions?

What is the best CRM for recruiting and admissions?

1 posts, 0 answered
  1. Entrily CRM
    Entrily CRM avatar
    3 posts
    06 Jan 2023
    12 Jan 2023
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    here are many enrollment CRM options available for higher education institutions, and the best one for a particular school will depend on its specific needs and budget. Some popular options include:
    Salesforce Education Cloud: This is a cloud-based CRM platform that is designed specifically for higher education institutions. It offers a wide range of features, including student recruitment, enrollment management, and alumni engagement.
    Entrily CRM: This is another Overseas Education CRM platform that is geared towards higher education institutions. It offers a variety of features, including lead management, event management, and communication tools.
    Slate by Technolutions: This is a comprehensive CRM platform that is designed for higher education institutions. It offers features such as lead management, recruitment marketing, and application management.

    entrily . com

1 posts, 0 answered