
Forums / General Discussions / load a form using another unique key

load a form using another unique key

2 posts, 1 answered
  1. Krishna Hari
    Krishna Hari avatar
    65 posts
    05 Dec 2019
    28 Dec 2022
    Link to this post
    I want to load a form using alternate key, how do I do that?
  2. Tariq Salim
    Tariq Salim avatar
    11 posts
    04 Jul 2022
    03 Jan 2023 in reply to Krishna Hari
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    Hello Krishna,

    If the data coming in is encrypted the GUIDS on your form needs to be the same.
    If the data is not encrypted, then the GUIDS need to be set to false.

    They must be set to the same on both ends otherwise the data will not display and you wouldn’t be able to make a key.
    If your information is set to encrypted you must make sure that your GUIDS are also set to encrypted, that way the key will be setup to encrypted values.

    This can be done in the form configuration à advanced à model à EncryptGuids.

    I also think the attribute name should be the same as the attribute in your DB. I believe the primary key needs to be set to use an alternate key.

    Please Make sure your table has primary key set otherwise you cannot use an alternate key.

    Kindly see the links provided below.

    I hope this information helps.

2 posts, 1 answered