
Forums / Developing Portals / Redirection without submission to the form

Redirection without submission to the form

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2 posts, 1 answered
  1. Happy man
    Happy man avatar
    1 posts
    30 Aug 2019
    30 Aug 2019
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    I'd like to add a button which can give me the ability to redirect to another page, without submit the the form.
    Any help please.
  2. Josh
    Josh avatar
    47 posts
    01 Jun 2018
    30 Oct 2019 in reply to Happy man
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    Hello Happy,

    Your requirement can be accomplished in various ways depending on the exact nature of what you are trying to accomplish. If you are looking to redirect to a previous step in the form, this can be done using the TPC Submit Button. If you are looking to redirect to any other page on the website this can be done using a link in any of the widget templates or through a button/link in an Embed Code widget.

    #1 TPC Submit Button

    If you are trying to redirect to a previous step in the form, the TPC Submit Button can provide that functionality. If you click Edit on the TPC Submit Button, under the Basic tab you will see a checkbox that is labeled Enable Previous Step, enable this checkbox.

    Edit -> Basic -> Enable Previous Step

    Now you will see a button which says Select a Page, this is where you will select the previous step in the form. Because you have specified that you would not like the form to submit, make sure to disable the checkbox labeled “Submit this form if the user returns to the previous step.” Technically you could make the previous step button redirect to any page on the website.

    #2 Widget Template or Embed Code Widget

    Sitefinity and The Portal Connector both allow you to easily customize your widget templates, so this is another option. You could very easily add an HTML button or link that can redirect the user to the URL of your choice. If you do not have a specific widget that you would like to add the button to the template, you can also just add an Embed Code widget to the page, and add an HTML button or link within the widget embed code.

    To modify a TPC Widget Template (where applicable), click the Edit button on the target TPC Widget. Under the Basic tab click the Templates section. Here you will see a list of all of the different templates that are used by the widget. You can then click the Add or Edit button to modify the template and add your custom HTML link or button.

    Basic -> Templates -> Add / Edit

    To add a link using the Embed Code widget, first, add an Embed Code widget to your page. If you click Edit, you will see a large text area labeled “EMBED CODE”, this is where you will put your custom HTML button/link to redirect the user to a different page. Below is an example of a simple button that will direct the user to a page on the website called “Potato.”

    Add Embed Code Widget -> Edit -> Add HTML Button/Link

    <a href="/josh/potato" class="button">Go to Potato</a>

    Hopefully, this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have any other issues by replying to this thread, or reach out to if you need further assistance.




2 posts, 1 answered