
Forums / Developing Portals / Display a form as readonly for the end user?

Display a form as readonly for the end user?

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. Mahesh Veeramalla
    Mahesh Veeramalla avatar
    8 posts
    02 Mar 2023
    02 Apr 2023
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    We have created a portal in the sitefinity website. The forms in the sitefinity website that we have are connected to dynamic crm. Users of the portal are regular public. They will be submitting the forms. The forms that are submitted have 3 statuses. In process, Submitted, approved. All the forms that are submitted/initiated by the users can be accessible in the portal. 

    Now once the user initates the form, It will be in inprogress status. If for any reason user wants to stop the form and get back to it at another time, he can do it. As the form is accessible in the portal, the user can view the initiated form and continue working onit. Now once the form is submitted the form status will be changed to submitted. When the user tries to open this form we need to make all the fields to be non editable? if so how can we achieve this?
  2. Tom Pawelec
    Tom Pawelec avatar
    25 posts
    21 Oct 2022
    01 May 2023 in reply to Mahesh Veeramalla
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    Hi Mahesh,

    This can be achieved by fetching the form again with the details the user input but setting everything to read only.

2 posts, 0 answered