
Forums / Bugs & Issues / Rule Manager : Set the text field value of another text field value

Rule Manager : Set the text field value of another text field value

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2 posts, 1 answered
  1. Missing user
    Missing user avatar
    16 Mar 2016
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    Is it possible to create a rule in a form like this :

    When CrmTextField_C015 changes () then set field CrmTextField_C028 (with CrmTextField_C015.text())

    The goal is to use the email used for the portal user also for the contact.

    Thank you for your help

  2. Missing user
    Missing user avatar
    16 Mar 2016 in reply to Missing user
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    Hi Julien,

    I wasn't able to get that running through the Rules Manager.

    However, you can use the 'Run Script' option instead to run a piece of JavaScript that can handle that for you: "When CrmTextField_C005 changes () then execute field setTextBox() (with )"

    Here's the setTextBox function that I used to set the text content of one text box to another: setControlValue(findControl("CrmTextField_C004"), findControl("CrmTextField_C005").get_value());

    You can also do it like this: findControl("CrmTextField_C004").set_value(findControl("CrmTextField_C005").get_value());

    Additionally, you can find references to the client side API here.

    Please let us know if you have any more comments or concerns.

    Kind Regards,

    Chris Rooney.
2 posts, 1 answered