Querystring - Setting up and Using the CRM Querystring Widget

  1. Start by dragging a TPC Form Layout into the body of your page. Then, drag a CRM Form Configuration widget into the TPC Form Layout. For this example the Form Configuration widget will be configured to use the contact entity.
  2. Click and drag a CRM QueryString widget in the body of your form and click on the edit button to display the properties prompt.
  3. Set a custom querystring parameter for the widget to fetch its accompanying value from. The widget will look up this parameter in the URL and will attempt to submit its value to the attribute that the widget is configured to use.

  4. On the page, add your querystring parameter to the URL. This can be done in a variety of ways, including JavaScript and even other TPC widgets. Once the form is submitted, the accompanying value should be submitted to the configured attribute.

